Sunday, July 19, 2009

My want to - 15 Miles

Well I had meant to write sooner, but just been real busy at work and haven’t had time to. Things are still going good with the weight maintaining and the running. The want to in the subject line, comes from a saying that my Grand Pa use to say. He would say to do something you wanted to do you had to have the “want to” to do it in order to do it. The running had become a little boring this week; I’m not sure why it just had. Then yesterday the desire to run just came over me it was like I was craving it I just had to have it I couldn’t wait for this morning. My “want to” was back! This morning was a great morning to run it was 55 degrees at 6:00 AM that just doesn’t seem right for July in Alabama. My plan was to run 10, when I finished the 10 I felt so good (I guess it was the cool weather and the low humidity) I went ahead and did 5 more to make a total of 15. I did get real tired around 13, but I hung in there with it and got in the 15. My pace dropped off a little at the end, but I ended up with a time of 2:32:15 for a pace of 10:08. Well I’m going to go got to go into work tonight. I am going to try and start writing more doing this today not tomorrow.

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