Monday, November 30, 2009

Where Do I start? One Year Later

Where do I start?
Wow one year ago today I had decided to get serious about this weight loss and attempt to someday run a marathon. I ate my “last supper” see the picture on the right of this blog. I started mentally preparing myself for this on the 30th of November 08 and actually started eating right and exercising on the 1st of December. I never imagined I would be where I’m at today. In 5 days I will be running my first Marathon and I lost 109 pounds since this time last year. I have gained a few back with the training; I haven’t weighed myself because I’ve tried to eat right and with the long runs and more frequent runs I had to eat more to keep my energey up. I’m not worried about the few pounds now. After my recovery from he marathon I’ll weigh and see where I’m at an work on getting ride of those few extra pounds I’ve gained. Not sure what my next goal will be as far as running goes. I’m going to start looking at what marathons are coming up close by next year and maybe do some halves. There is one half in Birmingham in February I may try and do it, just not sure yet.
Now about my long run yesterday, It was OK, wasn’t as easy as I had expected my legs were stiff and heavy, they did loosen up some and felt good at times, just not overall what I had expected and I had some many little twinges here an there. This kind of had me worried last night and I couldn’t sleep thinking about it, you know what If I’m not ready for this etc. I woke up this morning with a different attitude and I’m actually starting to get excited about it, I told Summer this is like Super Bowl week for me. Well I’m going to run for now, only two 5 mile runs this week tomorrow and Thursday… not tomorrow!

Saturday, November 28, 2009

One week from today!

Wow it is just one week from today and I’ll be running my first marathon. If you had told me that this time last year I would not have believed you as I hadn’t even started my journey yet. I was on the taper this week, the runs went well, my legs have been heavy and lots of little pains that haven’t been there before, but it seems like when I get on the last mile of each run everything loosens up and I start feeling good. Tomorrow is a 12 mile run, looking forward to it to see how my legs feel after 5 or so. I’ve got so many emotions running through me now. I want to think about it being next week then I start literally getting scared and I try to not think about it. Wednesday I ran into a friend who runs while I was doing my four miles and we ran a couple mile together and we talked a bit, he has done several marathons so it was good talking to him he gave me some good tips and most of it was stuff I had ran through my mind all ready, but it was good to have him talk about it and remind me about them. It was stuff like it was OK to walk during the water stations as it’s important to stay hydrated, taking the gu etc. Well I’m going to run for now I wanted to put some of these emotions down, but I guess I’m still not ready to do it yet….doing this today not tomorrow!

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

24 Nov 09 - Catch Up



Well here’s a catch up of the past few days. Wednesday’s run went a lot better I felt good and my legs felt a lot stronger. I did 8 miles at a time of 1:17:17 for an over all pace of 9:40, so I was pleased with that. The rest of my week was crazy, I spent Wednesday, Thursday and Friday on the road averaging over 7 hours traveling. I had to carry some inmates to prison on Wednesday and then Thursday My wife's brother graduated form the police academy so we went to his graduation. Then on Friday night I went to a high school football game with Summer. The tough part about that day was I went into work that morning at 4 so I had to get up at 3. I go off at 9, I went home and tried to take a nap, but couldn’t sleep so I got up and did some house work then at around noon I went to do my run. I had a very good run and a crazy one at that, I was worried about it, because I had been up so early, but it was a good run. There was this guy running when I started that was about a ¼ to half ahead of me and of course I took off to try and catch him, so I started a way to fast pace, just when I was about to pass him he stopped and started walking. There was so much traffic as I’m us to running early in the morning now, so I guess with all the folks around that got my adrenaline pumping also, then there the busses that came for the band and football players to go to the game and folks everywhere for that so I just kept running at a faster than normal pace. When it was all said and done I had ran my 7 miles in 1:04:17 for a 9:15 pace. It was a good strong run and I felt good after it. I was suppose to have ran 7 on Saturday, but I didn’t I was so tired I had like 5 hours sleep in the last 58 hours so I was extremely tired and I went home and went to bed after I got off work Saturday morning. Sunday’s run was 15 miles, the weather was perfect to run and I had a real good run. Kind of the norm with the legs being heavy the first few miles then for into a rhythm and felt real good between 4 and 11, started to get a little tired then, but nothing major and I finished strong doing the last mile right at my 10:00 per mile goal pace with an over all time of 2:39:00 for an overall average pace of 10:36. I bought me a belt with a pouch to put my gu in for the marathon and ran with it Sunday, it worked fine and I’m glad of that. This morning I just had to run 5, I did a nice easy five miles. Felt a little stiff and heavy, but as the run went on I got to feeling better. It’s hard for me to believe that the marathon is not this weekend, but the next. I have so many emotions going through me right now it’s crazy. I’ll save that for another post. Doing this today not tomorrow.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Weird Run 17 Nov 09

This morning’s run was weird. My legs were real heavy and I felt real tired. The first mile I was right on the 10 minute pace. By mile three I felt like I was having to work so hard just to run not to mention maintaining the 10 minute pace and it actually dropped of 20 some odd seconds. On mile 4 I had all kinds of excuses running through my head on why I should stop and not do the full 8, but instead of making excuses I pushed through and on mile 7 I started to fell a lot better and on mile 8 I did it at a 9:16 pace. I guess I was just tired from the 22 miles on Sunday. In a way I’m looking forward to tomorrow’s run to see how it goes and hopefully I will feel “fresher”. It’s starting to sink in that I have less than 3 weeks till I run the marathon, it’s also starting to get scary…….but I’m doing this today and not tomorrow!

Monday, November 16, 2009

The rest of the week and 22 miles!

Well I’ll try and update what has went on since Thursday. Friday I did 6 miles, I forgot my watch so not exactly sure on my time, it was right at 1 hour. I enjoy those runs though where I’m not worried about hitting a certain pace, just run you know and enjoy it, so that’s what Friday was a nice easy enjoyable run. Saturday’s run was good. My legs felt heavy at the start, but on the last mile everything was clicking I felt good, I hit that steady pace and felt like I could run forever. I needed that because I was nervous about Sunday’s run of 22 miles as it was/is my longest to date. After my run Saturday and how good I felt my confidence was growing for Sunday. I went to Tupelo with Summer after my run on Saturday to get some GU; I had messed up and ran out. After we got back I went over to mom and dad’s to watch the football games with dad (Roll Tide!). I got home and had just laid down around 10 and got a call and had to go into work, I got home around midnight (almost had to stay later, but thank you to the deputy who carried the guy who got in the fight to the hospital for me). So 4:45 AM came pretty early yesterday. I was still nervous about the run. I had the route planned out in my mind so as I lay in the bed the night before I had tried to run it thorough my head and get myself mentally prepared for it. I got up and ate me a couple of pieces of toast and then got everything ready. Summer has written this saying (“So don't be afraid to make mistakes, to stumble and fall, because most of the time the greatest rewards come from doing the things that scare you the most. Maybe you'll get everything you wish for. Maybe you'll get more than you ever could have imagined. Who knows where life will take you? The road is long and in the end, the journey is the destination." ) on the mirror in our bathroom. As I was getting ready to leave I read it and it reminded me that it’s not about just doing the 22 miles, but what I see along the way. The run started out OK. I don’t know why but the first few miles always seem sluggish and I have to get through all the little aches and pains. I had a few interesting events, at about mile 3 I had 3 dogs come out one looked like a chow, the other a bulldog and the last a Rottweiler. They never chased me, but just followed me for awhile I’ll have to admit I was scared and did do a little, well a lot of praying. I came back through where they were at around mile 5 and they were gone so that was good. I didn’t want to risk running in to them again so I altered my route so I wouldn’t have to come back through the area where they were at. At around mile 12 I started feeling tired and I thought man I wish this wouldn’t be so hard, but then I thought you know if it was easy it really wouldn’t have the value it does by accomplishing it if just anybody could do it. That kind of gave me some motivation. As I was running my altered route through my mind I decided to do the last mile or as close as I could make it to the last mile on the trail where I ran my first mile on this journey without stopping back in February. I was very tired when I got to it, but I did it and it was neat to bring up those memories of that first mile without stopping it gave me motivation to not stop. Then the last half mile was where I did my hill work. I tried to remember those days and how I pushed through and that is what I did to finish. I was very tight after it and was a little sore today, but not too bad. My time was 3:57:15 for a overall pace of 10:48. Well tomorrow I start the taper; I’m getting so close to doing this! Doing it today not tomorrow!

Thursday, November 12, 2009

11 Nov 09

Yesterday’s run was good it was a 10 miler I did it in 1:42:01. I’m happy with that it was a little over my goal of 1:40, but I had a bathroom break in there and a couple of water breaks. The weather was perfect for running. I started right before sunrise and the temp was 47 and once the sun came up it was a perfect sunny morning. I felt good on the run. One memory that is sticking in my mind is as I passed this one area where there are some woods and you could smell the wet leaves and I just love the smell, it was a neat moment smelling that smell and feeling the cool air. I have so many crazy emotions running through me right know. I have the 22 mile run on Sunday, I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t scared and I’d also be lying if I said I wasn’t looking forward to the feeling after I do it, as it will be my longest run to date. I’m proud of where I’m at and It’s really hard for me to comprehend that I’ve made this much progress in less than a year and when I run the marathon it will on be a few days over an year since I started. Sheila talked to me a little bit about our running last night at church that was good I enjoyed it. I have told anybody , but Jenny, Casey, Summer and Shelia that I’m planning on doing the Marathon so it’s hard to not tell anyone when I hit those highs that come with running. I guess you are wondering why I haven’t told anyone or I guess you could say more than I have. I don’t know I just felt liked I needed to wait till it was done before I talked about it. That is pretty much what I’ve stuck to. Like with the half I didn’t mention it till it was over and then after I posted my pictures on facebook folks started to ask me about it and I talked about it then, so that is pretty much what I’ve got planned for the marathon also. I guess I’ve used this blog to release those felling inside me and also track my progress. Well I’m starting to ramble so I’ll go….look more posts more often as like I said I’m full on emotions now and I’ve got to release them…doing this today not tomorrow.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009


It was a wet and windy run this morning and kind of cool although the temp was 49 the wind and rain made it feel real cool. Tropical Strom Ida was moving through, so that brought the rain. We were supposed to be right on the line of where it was coming. I was hoping it would miss us, but it didn’t. I did have thoughts about not running, but this is my last big week before I start the taper so I wanted to get it in, so I did and of course when it was over I was glad I did. I couldn’t help but think that the folks who saw me running this morning must have thought I was crazy. I felt good on the run, my times were a little slower, but running in the rain and the wind slowed me down so no big deal as it was an accomplishment just doing it. I have 10 to do in the morning and I’m looking forward to better weather! Like I said this is my last big week and it ends with a 22 mile run on Sunday and that will be my longest ever. I’m nervous about it, I’ll admit I’m scared about it also, like what if I don’t make it, what if I hurt real bad when it’s over……what will that do to me mentally for the marathon. I don’t know I’ve just got to give it may all and not just physically but mentally too and I can do it I guess! I’m nervous and excited about the marathon now I am looking forward to it, but it’s just hard to believe that I’m this close now. Doing this today not tomorrow!

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Week 12 of 16 Marathon training Plan

This week has been an interesting one, as I talked about Wednesday I have just felt blah this week. I got all my runs in as scheduled and today’s long run went pretty well. I did 15 my overall pace time was slow; I did have two bathroom breaks and 3 water breaks in so that ate a little bit of time. I finished the last two just a few seconds over my goal pace of 10 so I’m happy with that. It was a nice morning to run the sunrise was beautiful. It was around 42 degrees when I started so it was really just right. I’ve got one more week on a lot of mileage left, I logged 47 this week and I think its 48 or so for next week then I start my taper. I’m tired I won’t lie my legs fell fatigued I guess that the way the training program is designed and the taper will help me recover and be ready for the race. This Sunday will be my 22 miler it will be my longest, I’ll have to admit I’m kind of nervous about it and also excited about it at the same time. It’s starting to sink in that I’m only a month away from attempting this goal of running a marathon. It’s exciting and scary at the same time, I’ve just got to reach down inside and do this> I’m trying to not look past the marathon, but I have been thinking about what my next goal will be, I’m not sure, but I’m glad I’m in the mind set of planning something, because I do want to make the healthy lifestyle thing a lifelong thing. Well I’m going to run for now, doing this today not tomorrow!

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

4 Nov 09

Just feeling blah today real tired. I went to bed early last night around 8 o’clock and woke up at 4 this morning I went back to sleep then got up at 5 and headed out to run around 520. The run for today was 10 miles. I felt real tired at mile 3 crazy I know, but I did I hung in there and did the whole run it was a labored run, but I got it in. I guess it was more mental than physical. I am at the peak of the training just two more weeks then the taper part of the program, so I guess I’m suppose to be feeling tired. I can hardly believe that it’s almost here, doing the marathon that is. It really doesn’t seem real and yes I’m scared am I really going to be able to do this, was the training program enough, was my base enough when I started just a lot of questions. I’m just trying to focus on the training and have faith that I can do it. This morning was beautiful it was cool, the bank said 29 not sure if it was that cold or not, some wind and lots of sun shine, I love to watch the sun rise…..well enough rambling doing this today not tomorrow!

Sunday, November 1, 2009

My First Half Marathon

Leading the race at the start was Stace Holcomb, a 7-year-old first grader at Threadgill Elementary who attended UCP from three months to age 3.

Well it’s in the books; I did my first half marathon yesterday. I ran the Life Without Limits ½ Marathon in Florence Al. My overall time was 2:04:27 for a 9:30 pace. It was a great experience. I’ll try to carry you through it now starting at the night before. I slept real good I was afraid I’d not be able to sleep, but I did. I got up at 4:30 I wanted to leave the house by 5:15 as it was around an hour and half drive from my house to Florence. I had two pieces of light wheat toast for breakfast and water. On the drive up it rained off and on us I figured it might rain during the race, actually that was the forecast. We got there around 6:45 which was good as I can’t stand too late or rushed so no stress with that. Went and got my race packet got stretched out and we walked around a little bit. It was a little cool 51 at the race start and cloudy, so it was actually a great day to run and it only warmed up a couple of degrees during the race. The start was very well organized, they had signs for your projected pace so that helped in getting lined up and seemed to really help as the race got going there wasn’t a lot of folks passing. As I was lined up waiting on the start I couldn’t help but take a quick look back in mind over the last year. It is amazing, it really comes down to discipline if you really want something and set your mind to it you can do it. I can’t lie I started to get emotionally, so I stopped thinking about it. The race start was easy and slow, but that is ok that what I wanted to feel was the start and how I needed to do and to not panic that it would be to slow, it seemed real slow, but the first mile was a 9:49 so it was actually 11 seconds faster than my goal pace. The first few miles there was a lot of conversation between the runners it was neat ease drop on some of it. On the Wilson dam bridge I passed the stroller that had the young man with the disability that was representing the run, I waved at him and he smiled real big it’s a moment I will remember for a long time; I know this is not manly but he was precious. My left knee felt a little funny at the start, then I had a little twinge in my hip around mile tree, but they both left and guess I was just my body letting me know I was alive. After about mile four or five the conversations died down I guess everyone was starting to get tired or just settling into their running. I took my first water at mile 5 then about every two miles after that. I felt real good at the half way point, at about mile 9 I started to feel tired, but a gu gave me a little energy. Between mile 10 and 12 we crossed a long bridge that was kind of neat crossing it. I started to try and think about some of my past leading up to this, but I started to slow down, I’m not blaming it all on this I was tried at this point, I guess when I let my mind wonder I slowed down some. On the last mile or so it was slightly up hill, but not too bad. I was very tired then, but there were some groups cheering us on, some cheerleader squads and others. To those folks I say thank you, you may not really realize, but your cheering does really help it gave me a boost, a boost I needed very badly. I finished strong and felt good, with our chips they were able to call out our names as finished that was cool. It was real nice to have Jenny and Summer there smiling real big as I finished. The ride home was a little tough, my legs and but were real tight and I couldn’t get real comfortable I had to keep moving around the best I could. I’m not that sore today, which is good because tomorrow it’s back to training for the marathon! This race was all that I could have imagined it to be, the weather was great, I beat my projected time by almost 7 minutes, I had Jenny and Summer there with me and I felt good and strong on the run. Man I’m doing this today and not tomorrow. Well tomorrow it’s back to the training after a day of rest today. I promise to try and blog more this next month leading up to the marathon. Today not Tomorrow!