Wednesday, November 4, 2009

4 Nov 09

Just feeling blah today real tired. I went to bed early last night around 8 o’clock and woke up at 4 this morning I went back to sleep then got up at 5 and headed out to run around 520. The run for today was 10 miles. I felt real tired at mile 3 crazy I know, but I did I hung in there and did the whole run it was a labored run, but I got it in. I guess it was more mental than physical. I am at the peak of the training just two more weeks then the taper part of the program, so I guess I’m suppose to be feeling tired. I can hardly believe that it’s almost here, doing the marathon that is. It really doesn’t seem real and yes I’m scared am I really going to be able to do this, was the training program enough, was my base enough when I started just a lot of questions. I’m just trying to focus on the training and have faith that I can do it. This morning was beautiful it was cool, the bank said 29 not sure if it was that cold or not, some wind and lots of sun shine, I love to watch the sun rise…..well enough rambling doing this today not tomorrow!

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