Saturday, November 28, 2009

One week from today!

Wow it is just one week from today and I’ll be running my first marathon. If you had told me that this time last year I would not have believed you as I hadn’t even started my journey yet. I was on the taper this week, the runs went well, my legs have been heavy and lots of little pains that haven’t been there before, but it seems like when I get on the last mile of each run everything loosens up and I start feeling good. Tomorrow is a 12 mile run, looking forward to it to see how my legs feel after 5 or so. I’ve got so many emotions running through me now. I want to think about it being next week then I start literally getting scared and I try to not think about it. Wednesday I ran into a friend who runs while I was doing my four miles and we ran a couple mile together and we talked a bit, he has done several marathons so it was good talking to him he gave me some good tips and most of it was stuff I had ran through my mind all ready, but it was good to have him talk about it and remind me about them. It was stuff like it was OK to walk during the water stations as it’s important to stay hydrated, taking the gu etc. Well I’m going to run for now I wanted to put some of these emotions down, but I guess I’m still not ready to do it yet….doing this today not tomorrow!

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