Sunday, September 27, 2009

Unplanned 5K

There was a 5K in Winfield Al on Saturday the 26th of Sep. I had planned to not run it as my intent was to focus on my long distance training since I’m going to try and do the half in October and the full in December. I woke up Saturday and I was like I should go run this race, then I thought well it will mess my training up then I remember that on the schedule it suggested that I do 5K on Sunday then add three extra miles for a total of 6.1, Saturdays run was also 6 miles I decided to flip the days and get the 5K in. It was a good race I ran a 26:19 for an 8:30 pace, not a PR, but a good race and the last.7 was up a pretty good hill and it rained a little before and during the race. I was happy with the race there were two guys who passed me around the 2 mile mark and I got both of them on the hill, one tried to catch up in the last .2, but I held him off it was fun “racing” I was nowhere near placing in my age group there were some fast older guys and they did the awards in 10 year increments. After the race I drove to Hamilton to get my other three in. It had started raining pretty good, but I went ahead and ran and just has I was the farthest point away from my car it thundered real loud then I saw the lighting, It scared the fire out of me and no jokes I did start praying please God don’t let me get struck by lightning. Now that it is over and I can laugh about it, what scared me even more was just a few days earlier me and guy at work had a talk about lighting strikes, he was talking about that it had struck his house a couple of times and of course the conversation turned to people being struck. So as I was running as hard as I could I couldn’t help but think about him telling everyone about our talk and now I had gotten killed by a lighting strike! I us to like to run in the rain, but it’s starting to get old now, sure does seems like it has been raining a lot lately. I didn’t get hardly any pictures of the race, because I didn’t have my picture takers with me. Doing this today not tomorrow.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Reality Check - Hills

Had a crazy day yesterday. On my schedule I was to do 8 miles of hills. I really have a love hate relationship with hills I hate running them, but I love the feeling I have after I do it and I beat them, plus I love the benefits of having done them. I woke up at 4:30 so I could be started by 5. It was raining pretty good, but I decided to go ahead and make the drive to where I run. About half way there the bottom fell out I turned around and stared back home then I thought no I’m going to do this I turned around and went to where I park to do my runs it was really coming down then. I sat there waiting on it to slack some, but it never did then I realized I didn’t have time anyway to do the run and still make it to work on time. So I left and went home. My intentions were that after work I would go get the run in. I didn’t figure the heat and humidity into it, when I thought about that I was tempted to not go. I fought through that temptation and ended up going around 4:00 PM it was hot and it was humid. The first couple of miles were hard then I seemed to settle in till the last two and they were tough. During the run I came up with a new saying “Your mind will tell you its pain and to stop, your heart will let you know it’s just discomfort and to keep going.” I pushed through the discomfort and made it. It really came down to having the desire to do it. Summer took some pictures of me, I thank her for that. I’ve got to lose some more weight it will just help me on the endurance part I’ve gained about ten, nothing to be too concerned about but I’m going to get back on the eating better and when I run the Marathon in December I want to be in the 170s I’m in the 190s now so 15 or so pounds between now and December. Doing this today not tomorrow.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Half Marathon and Full Marathon

Well I did it, today I paid my money for the Half Marathon in Florence Al on the 31st of October and for the Full Marathon in Memphis Tn on the 5th of December. So I am officially signed up, Today not Tomorrow.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

20 Sep 09

Still had the blahs this week. Ran 13 miles this morning and got in 32 for the week. I have decided to run a Half Marathon on 31 Oct 09. I want to do it because I’ve done 5Ks and a 10K now and then going to do the Marathon in Dec so I wanted to have a ½ Marathon on my resume if you will. Also it should help me mentally for the full marathon. I have been eating crazy here lately not really a lot of bad stuff just more than I have been, I know I’ve gained a few pounds back, I really need to be loosing for the Marathon cause the less weight I have to carry for like four and half hours running the better. Hanging in there with this doing it today not tomorrow.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

13 Sep 09

Not a lot to report this week got in 30.2 miles this week. I don’t know the race was good yesterday, but I’m kind of getting this blah feeling with the running now. Just seem real tired and not to enthusiastic about it right now. I’m going hang in there with it though doing this today not tomorrow! My long run was 10 miles today a good run my legs were heavy for the first 3 or 4. I think that may have been from the race yesterday though. Did see a funny thing on the run this morning. Have you seen the commercial where a squirrel runs out in front of a car and make s it turn to miss it? There was this red bug that passed by me and then I saw it hit it’s brakes and a squirrel ran out in front of it and kept darting back and forth the car slowed way down then the squirrel stopped right in front of it and the car had to stop to keep from hitting it. I got a good laugh out of that.

Saturday, September 12, 2009

1st 10K

Ran a 10K at Columbus AFB this morning, my first 10k ever. It was a good race I finished 1st in my age group with a time of 55.14 that comes out to a pace of 8:55 per mile I was real happy with that. My goals for this race was to do a longer one so I could get the feeling of holding back and not getting caught up in the start and going out to fast. I did well with that and really worked on maintaining my pace and that went good. It was a flat course and wasn’t to hot and it was cloudy, then wind did blow pretty good on miles 3 through 5 though. Doing this today not tomorrow.

Sunday, September 6, 2009

1,000 Miles!

Well another week down of this training program I logged 31.25 miles this week, I guess you are wondering why the .25? We’ll the I did the .25 to on the end of my 12 mile long run on Sunday and that put me at 1,000 miles walking and running since I started this Journey Back on 1 Dec 08. Wow that is a lot of ground covered. I honestly never would have thought I would have logged this many miles back when I started. I have a lot of emotions right now thinking about it, It has made me feel so much better and helped me deal with so many issues form work to family to spiritual. I am a better person because of this weight loss and fitness journey both on the inside and the out. I’m so glad I decided to do this today and not tomorrow!