Saturday, December 27, 2008


We’ll I did good today eating and exercising, even though I was tempted not to on both. I slept late this morning so I missed breakfast then around 11 I had two banana sandwiches on wheat bread for a total of 410 calories, then I had a banana for a snack at around 3 then for supper Jenny and I went out to eat and I had a salad, baked potato and grilled chicken best I can calculate it was around 700 calories so that brought me for a total of 1220 calories for the day. Not bad and I’m not sure how much, but I drank a lot of water today. For exercise I walked a mile and half after we ate supper, Jenny walked with me so that was nice. Just really didn’t have the motivation today, but when I was faced with the decision to mess up I chose not to, It’s crazy how sometimes just out of the blue you’ll crave something sweet or some off the wall food. I just tried to not entertain those thoughts today and it worked. I also wanted to be lazy and not walk, but I did and it was a good walked and I burned around 150 calories doing it. It felt so good that afterwards I told Jenny I felt like I wanted to go walk another mile and a half. The funny story for today is, yesterday I was reading a blog and they were talking about they were tempted to eat some pizza, but instead they took a picture of it(read the story by clicking here). Well tonight while Jenny and I were eating I wanted to eat the piece of bread they brought with my meal so bad, but I didn’t….. I took a picture of it with my cell phone and left it on the plate. I brought it home to feed to the dog and then I took a picture with my camera (that’s it at the top of this post). I did start my food log today I just have to figure out how I’m going to post it here. Well today has been another day doing it today and not tomorrow.

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