Monday, December 8, 2008

Week One

Week one is over and I lost 13 pounds! I had planned to write daily and keep up with what has went on but this last weeks was a blur so much going on at work so much with the family so I will try and recall some of the moments that stick out. I did walk everyday Monday through Friday. I put my shoes in the car and everyday home from work I stopped by the track at the school and walked. I just made it a part of my day, there were a couple of days were I didn’t get by there till almost 9 o’clock and man it was cold last week most nights it was in the high 20s. One night I tried to run and I could just feel the heavy weight on my ankles, it made me realize that there is work to be done before we can get back into the running thing, lots of work in the weight loss area. One night I was walking and the urge stop just came up on me, my legs have hurt some but this time they weren’t hurting, just the urge to stop came on me and I asked myself do you really want to stop and I was like no I want to do this and I started thinking about all the gains from doing this and I put that urge out of my mind. That reminded me that a large majority of this will be mental and I have got to be mentally prepared for it. Discipline is also going to be a big part like I said I put my shoes in the car and scheduled the walks as part of my days. My eating was Ok I guess you could say I ate a good bit of fruit and ate mostly eggs or egg sandwiches for breakfast and Tuna sandwiches for lunch and the baked or grilled chicken and fish for supper. There were a few days I had to eat out or because I was traveling so I ordered a salad, I admit one day I did eat two pieces of pizza off the buffet, but I choose cheese thin crust and didn’t get that big ole meat lovers pan that I wanted. One night I went to sonic and I ordered a grilled chicken sandwich and a diet coke the guy I was with ordered one of the numbered meals and when they brought it was one of those foot long chili dogs! That’s my favorite, I told the lady hey we didn’t order a chili dog and he said heck yea we did! Man I wanted it bad! So then I got finished with work and did my walk and when I got home my daughter wanted me to carry her to town and get something and guess where she wanted to go, yep sonic! And of course the whole family wanted something, but I was strong and didn’t get anything. I still dream about that chili dog! Well time to go for today, maybe next week I will get to write more daily….remember it’s today and not tomorrow.

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