Monday, June 15, 2009

Me After the 10 Miles
About Half Way Up
Starting up the Hill
Me and Summer after she logged 50 miles walking for the week

My Route

Well I did a 10 mile run yesterday. I was excited about doing until I woke up yesterday morning. Not sure why but I had this sense of dread. I’m not sure if I was physically feeling bad or I was nervous about this one hill I had at the 1.5 mark in the route I planned it was a big one and long. Also When I stepped out of bed I felt this sore on my right big toe, it was the first time I had ever felt it at first I was like on now I won’t be able to do it, but I tried on my shoe and it felt OK so evidently it wasn’t from running I must have gotten a small cut on it and not knew when I did it. I felt good during the urn I was just a little over a 10 minute pace (10:20.28) I was happy with that. I was thinking about the Marathon thing yesterday and I really want to do the San Antonio one because that is where the dream of doing one really started. I guess I’ve got to come up with a budget and have a little financial discipline and make that thing happen. Runner’s world had a Marathon plan in this month’s magazine I think I’m going to take a closer look at it and maybe use it verses the one I was going to use. Check this out Summer logged 50 miles walking this week I'm so proud of her!.............we’ll I got to get ready for bed…… doing this today and not tomorrow!

1 comment:

Jen's Journey said...

WONDERFUL run!!!! You are doing SO well, I am very impressed!

I want to post link your blog to mine so that others can see your amazing weight loss and all you have done!

Keep going STRONG!!!