Tuesday, October 27, 2009

27 Oct 09

Rainy Morning
After the run

It has really just hit me tonight that on Saturday I will be running my first Half Marathon. Wow and when I think back where I was at 11 months or so ago I just have to say Wow again. I’ll have to admit that it doesn’t seem real that I’ve lost all this weight and how much I’m running now. In a way it seems like it was a world ago that I was that out of shape and I guess you could really say in that bad of health too. As I’m getting closer and closer to the full marathon I seem to be doing more and more reflection on this journey I’m on, I’m going to try and put down more of my thoughts, so look for most posts over the next month. Now about today I only had to do 4 miles. For some crazy reason I didn’t want to get up, I did it though and went and did the run and guess what it was raining seems like it has done a lot of that this last month or so. I was a good run I didn’t push too hard just a good easy run. Doing this today not tomorrow.

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