Sunday, April 19, 2009

New Goals

Well I spent most of last night and today trying to figure out what is next as far as my goals. I've set short range goals and some long range ones. Running the 5K was a long range one and as I close in on 93 pounds lost and being at 200 that's almost another long range one down. Of course the Marathon is a long range one. I was trying to decide when I stop this walking/running every day. Yesterday was 100 days and I did get in two tonight (more about that later) so it's been 101 without missing a day. Well I've rearranged a few goals and set a new big long range one. Here's the story how they came about. Like I said before it's been on my mind and I was surfing the net today and pulled up a marathon training plan and was looking if I started it today when I would be slotted to do one. The way I first had it figured was 29 Nov 09. I then was looking at the San Antonio Marathon and it’s on the 15th of November 09. I thought man I missed it by two weeks. Remember San Antonio is where this dream of me doing a Marathon started back 12 years ago. I was thinking how neat it would be to do it there. I went back and looked at the plan and doing the Marathon is at week 30 not 32 so that puts me right on the date for San Antonio……so you are hearing it here right now that’s my new long range goal is to do the San Antonio Marathon on November the 15th 2009. Along with this I have adjusted and made some new short range goals. I’m going to start the marathon plan tomorrow however I’m going to keep on walking each day until I reach 200 lbs as that was my original goal. The once I reach that I’ll stick to the marathon workout plan. Of course I’m going to stick to the eating right and I may have to may some adjustments to that to ensure I get the correct amount of fuel I need. Doing this today not tomorrow.

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