Monday, August 3, 2009

3 Aug 09

Today Goals:

1 - Drink a gallon of water √ Done
2 - Take my vitamins (a multivitamin, fish oil and an msm with glucosamine) √ Done
3 - Do some core/ab exercises √ Done
4 - Do some push ups √ Done
5 - Do my marathon training (more about this later) √ Done
6 - Update the blog daily! √ Done
7 - Track what I eat at and shoot for 2,000 calories a day √ Done

Today was a good day, busy at work but that is good it makes the day go fast. Doing the training was easy today, it was a rest dayJ. I did 3 sets of 10 flutter kicks and 10 pushups. Hey I know it’s not much, but I haven’t done anything like that it over two years it’ll come just like the weight loss did. Looking forward to tomorrow’s run… not tomorrow.

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