Monday, August 17, 2009

5th 5K

I ran my 5th 5K on Saturday since I stared this journey. It was a good race it was in Russellville, Al they were having a watermelon festival so their high school band put it on to raise money. I finished second in my age group, my time was 26:00 even not a PR but it was a good race and just 35 seconds away from a PR. I finished good and ran a pretty good consistent pace. One thing happened that is funny now was at about the mile and a half point they had a water station I grabbed a cup and pinched the top like you are suppose to and turned it up to get a drink, but it was only about half full so I didn’t get any I turned it up again and must have breathed in when I did cause I swallowed it wrong and got choked and thought I was going to drown. That slowed me down while I was coughing and thinking I was going to puke. That would have been a story for the family to tell my dad/husband drown Lesson learned I guess, trying to save a couple of seconds and cost you several. Note to self I will stop and walk during the marathon while drinking. I started to not do this race, but I’m glad now I did. After the race I ran into my old high school baseball coach there, it was nice to see him again and catch up a little. Well I’m doing this today not tomorrow.

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