Thursday, November 12, 2009

11 Nov 09

Yesterday’s run was good it was a 10 miler I did it in 1:42:01. I’m happy with that it was a little over my goal of 1:40, but I had a bathroom break in there and a couple of water breaks. The weather was perfect for running. I started right before sunrise and the temp was 47 and once the sun came up it was a perfect sunny morning. I felt good on the run. One memory that is sticking in my mind is as I passed this one area where there are some woods and you could smell the wet leaves and I just love the smell, it was a neat moment smelling that smell and feeling the cool air. I have so many crazy emotions running through me right know. I have the 22 mile run on Sunday, I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t scared and I’d also be lying if I said I wasn’t looking forward to the feeling after I do it, as it will be my longest run to date. I’m proud of where I’m at and It’s really hard for me to comprehend that I’ve made this much progress in less than a year and when I run the marathon it will on be a few days over an year since I started. Sheila talked to me a little bit about our running last night at church that was good I enjoyed it. I have told anybody , but Jenny, Casey, Summer and Shelia that I’m planning on doing the Marathon so it’s hard to not tell anyone when I hit those highs that come with running. I guess you are wondering why I haven’t told anyone or I guess you could say more than I have. I don’t know I just felt liked I needed to wait till it was done before I talked about it. That is pretty much what I’ve stuck to. Like with the half I didn’t mention it till it was over and then after I posted my pictures on facebook folks started to ask me about it and I talked about it then, so that is pretty much what I’ve got planned for the marathon also. I guess I’ve used this blog to release those felling inside me and also track my progress. Well I’m starting to ramble so I’ll go….look more posts more often as like I said I’m full on emotions now and I’ve got to release them…doing this today not tomorrow.

1 comment:

Tim Wilson said...

Thanks for stopping by my blog and the well wishes! I will be following your journey - great job so far, keep it up!