Tuesday, January 27, 2009


It’s been a couple of days since I’ve written, but I can’t blame it on busyness because Me and Jenny have been really lazy on this vacation, but that is what we wanted. However I haven’t been lazy on my weight loss Journey. It has been hard, but I have eaten good and passed on some very tempting items (I hope to put up a page later on just about the vacation with several pics). I’ve done real well on my walking also I planned it around our laziness and gotten it in everyday. My hip has been bothering me more lately, it doesn’t hurt while I’m walking just after it tightens up and is stiff for awhile. I don’t really consider it a major issue though right now. Yesterday I walked around Gatlinburg, and then this morning I did the walk through the edge of the park along a mountain stream and it was raining, but it was a nice walk. Well I’m going to go for now and get back to enjoying my vacation……today not tomorrow!

Saturday, January 24, 2009

24 Jan 09

Well Jenny and I are on Vacation in Gatlinburg Tn. We came to get away from things and take a break, but I’m not going to take a break from this weight loss journey I’m on. I’m still going to walk and count my calories. Me and Jenny walked tonight on the strip in Gatlinburg. I counted it up today and counting today I haven’t missed a day walking in 16 days. I ate good today also grilled chicken and a salad tonight. We went and bought some food to eat this week and I got me good for me stuff. I also bought 6 gallons of water for me to drink while we are here the next 6 days. I do have to admit though those rolls Jenny ate for supper sure did look good, but I’m not giving in I’m going to do this today not tomorrow!

Friday, January 23, 2009

Tired Tired Tired Tired

That is how I feel tired real tired it has been along week long days, but hey I didn’t miss any walking. There were a couple of times I just had to say no to doing some things at work and even a few with the family and at home. It’s kind of weird it was like when I was running I just had to have it and it is the same way now with the walking. Today I was just going to do a mile and a half because I had to get up this morning at 3:00 to leave by 4 for a trip for work and I was real tired, but I just couldn’t stop at the mile and half I had to get in my 3.5. I did it over at mom and dads on the dirt road and yep it did get dark before I finished……eating has been OK, I need to educate myself better on the fast food places as to what has the lesser calories. Today not tomorrow………..

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Week 8

I did My weekly weigh in this morning and I’ve lost 5 more since last week brining the total to 35 now since December the 1st. I think I’ve got to increase my calorie intake because I’m real tired not hungry just tired and I believe that is coming form the increase in my walking millage and the addition of the running some. It’s 730 at night and I’m still at work I just got finished and I’m going to go and do my walk it’s tempting to not do it, but I’ve kind of got that runners addiction were I just have to do it. I'm doing this today and not tomorrow!

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Just Say No

First let me start by saying I’m tired real tired just nor energy I did four miles for my walk to day and ran more light poles than I have to date, I’ll have to admit it is a good tired though. Yesterday I got in 3 1/2. I did both of them for my lunch break at work, with my crazy busy schedule that was the on time I could fit in. I have marked me off a mile loop at work (It’s the pic at the top). Monday and today I did real good with the food. Jenny and I went to Applebee’s last night and I had a Blackened Chicken Salad Jenny got some Potato skins and man they looked good, but I didn’t have any. Then today me and another guy had to go and speak with the red hat society of ladies in our community on crime. They had a potluck lunch and man did they have some good looking food! I had some butter beans, peas, small amount of pasta I guess it was more like lasagna, but I’ll call it pasta and a little bit (like one spoon full) of slaw. One of the older ladies sat down beside me and said where’s your bread, you need some bread. Then for desert they had pecan pie, banana pudding and peach cobbler. I didn’t have any and she said you better get you some desert. I said it looks good, but I’m going to pass and she said you don’t eat sweets either and gave me a funny look! Well I’m going to bed did I say I’m tired, but I wanted to write this down while it was fresh on my mind. Today not Tomorrow!

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Well I’ve had a couple of challenges the last 24 hours and a new distance record so far with my walking this time. Last night after Summer’s ball game she wanted to go to the Huddle House and eat so I went with her. I got a Garden Omelet and it was my supper because I hadn’t eaten anything since 1 o’clock that afternoon. Well Summer got the I guess you would call it big breakfast; she had 2 eggs, bacon, hashbrowns, toast and grits. Man it looked good and of course she only ate a little of it and I can’t lie I was extremely tempted to eat some, but I didn’t, but I wanted it bad. I only ate half my omelet and brought the rest home to eat today and that is what I had for breakfast. Oh I forgot mine came with toast and hash browns, I brought them home to Jenny. I did start to eat the toast, but I saw how much butter was on it so I passed. It was a nice day here today, the temps were in the 50s compared to the 30s we have been having and the sun was shinning. Jenny and I went to Hamilton and walked after church this morning and we did 4 Miles! Well tonight I had another challenge tomorrow is my son’s 22nd birthday and we went out with Jenny’s family to eat tonight to celebrate it and of course there was a cake there, I didn’t do it and the reason why really goes back over 7 years ago. In February of 01 when I weighed 165 and was running everyday my work had me a birthday cake and I wasn’t going to eat any and a lady told me it was bad luck to not eat the birthday cake, so I had a piece and that was the first time I had sweets in almost 6 months! So of course after that I started to justify why I could have certain things and it has just went down hill from there and here I am today. However I’m changing today and not tomorrow so I didn’t have any tonight…..I’m going to do this and you can too!

Saturday, January 17, 2009

17 Jan 09

Well it’s been longer than I wanted to wait to write again, but been real busy with work and a good thing, of my time management is I’ve built my walking time into each day and do it before I get home so that puts me getting home a hour to an hour and a half later each day. So by the time I get home I’m ready for bed. Eating has been good also see the food log for what I’ve been having been staying right around a 1,000 a day. I probably need more, but I’m just not hungry. Last night Jenny and I were eating and it clicked with me that I was full, but I was still eating just because there was more on my plate so I stopped and asked for a to go plate and brought the rest home to eat today. Emotionally I’m happy; physically I’m tired, spiritually I’m growing. Next week Jenny and I are going to Gatlinburg so I’m looking forward to that to get some rest and hopefully feel physically better. I did have trouble with my hip Thursday night, just a real sharp pain starting in my hip going down my leg then when I got home it was real tight and hurt bad. I have started running some not much and just for short distances, so yesterday I didn’t run any and the hip felt better so I’ll probably take a few days off from that. I took a break while writing this got do doing the math because Summer has games tonight and I could wait and walk after them probably around 10 or get my walk in this afternoon, so I did this afternoon. Jenny and I went to Hamilton and did three miles it feels go to have that done. Well I got to get ready for the ball games…doing this today not tomorrow!

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Week 7

Well I’m finally taking time this week to write a little bit. I’m at work and it seems to be busier than ever, but hey I’m not complaining it makes the time go by faster. Just seems like I get more and more projects and how about this one, my number one project right now is working on monthly food planning menu to feed 65 inmates. I want to cut their calories not meet that standard that says they have to have so many :-) . This has been a real good week as for as my walking and eating and the weight loss. I did my weekly weigh-in this morning and I’m down to 263, that is 8 ½ from last week so wow it was good week! My total so for is 30 pounds since December the 1st. I have had my tough moments but I honestly have to say it hasn’t been too rough. I don’t know if it’s my focus this time or what. To be honest I’m kind of scared like you know when am I going to mess up and just eat crazy! Kind of like that alcoholic who just can’t never stop. I keep asking myself why didn’t I do this sooner, I already feel so much better, Jenny says I look better. I can’t wait till I can start running again. We were walking Sunday night and we did a little running again in between light poles, the moon was so bright and I could feel that cold air burning in my lungs (that feeling I love) and I told Jenny man I can’t wait till I can run again. I’m going to do this and if you happen to be reading this and you want to do it you can also, just remember to start today and not tomorrow!

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Had a real good walk yesterday and did real good on the eating. Jenny and I went to the mile trail in Hamilton(see the pic above) and walked three laps, so I got my three miles in. The walk was real good it was right after the rain had stopped and we saw a bunch of squirrels and two deer. After we walked we picked up some supper and went over to her parent’s house to eat with them. I had a grilled chicken breast and a baked potato. It was funny how her folks keep making comments about how little I was eating; I guess they are use to me eating everything in sight! Her Mom said they sure did give you a small piece of chicken, I believe they forgot to give you all of yours. No comments on that I’ve lost any weight yet, but those will come. One lady at work that I don’t see very often made a comment about me getting a hair cut and I haven’t had one in almost two months so I know she could tell something was different about me, but just wasn’t sure what. Well I’m getting ready to go to church and then me and Jenny are going walking afterwards, it’s gonna be cold it’s 530 now and it’s already 35 and the low is suppose to be 25 tonight. Well gotta run…..today not tomorrow!

Saturday, January 10, 2009

7 Dollars

Yesterday was a long day busy at work didn’t get a lot done just spinning my wheels. Got my walk in last night, Jenny went with me and we walked 3 miles did a little running also nothing major just a few times we would run from light pole to light pole. Eating was good yesterday got a funny story about it. I had been craving baked fish and there is a place in the town that I work at that has a seafood buffet on Friday and they have baked fish on it. So I talked a couple of the guys from work into going with me so I could have baked fish. We got there and no baked fish everything fried! So I just fixed me a salad, all they had was the bowl size ones on the salad bar so it was not a big one and I drank water. The buffet cost 7 dollars, but they give us a discount and we get it for 3.50 so I was thinking that’s not too bad for a salad $3.50. Well I got in line to pay and they had a new lady working so she charged us full price so I paid $7.00 for a bowl size salad, the guys had a pretty good laugh about that! But hey I didn’t eat the fried stuff which is a plus. I’m doing this today not tomorrow, what will today bring?

Thursday, January 8, 2009

8 Jan 09

Well it’s been a couple days since I wrote. Back at work and back to the craziness and hectic and long days. I’ve been working on a grant for the last week and almost finished with it and I just had to take a break and get away from it for awhile so I thought I’d catch up on the blog. Eating has been going good (see the food log) I craved that snickers bar yesterday, but the craving didn’t last long. Walking, well it has been raining a lot here. I got in a mile on Monday before it started and then it rained all day and night Tuesday. I did get in 2 ½ last night so that was good. It’s been kind of cool to hear all the folks making new years resolutions on how they are going to lose weight and I’m all ready a head of the game. I did do my weakly weigh in and I only lost ½ pound down to 271 ½ , but hey I already feel so much better and my clothes are starting to get a little loose so that makes me feel good. I’m going to stay after it and do this today not tomorrow!

Sunday, January 4, 2009

4 Jan 08

I just feel blah today. I don’t know it has been a long weekend…. an exciting one, but tiring. We got up Friday morning at 5 and left for New Orleans and the Sugar Bowl (wished the outcome would have turned out different). We had a long day Friday and then drove most of the day yesterday. I did OK in New Orleans, see my food log for what I ate and not sure got to add it up but I think I walked a good two miles to two and half at least while we were there. Summer walked with me around town and then we did a few laps around the super dome. I was so tired when we got home last night that I wasn’t going to walk, but Jenny talked me into it and of course once we were done I was glad I did. I did learn something on the trip I have got to prepare and take action when I go away from home as far as the eating goes. I did the best I could down in the French Quarter, but it is tough eating healthy down there. I could go in to more detail, but I think this post (click here) explains what I need to do next time. Like I said I feel blah today and I started not to go walk, but I did and I ended up walking 3 miles. I’m tried now, and the desire to run is burning more and more, I have ran for some short distances during my walks no more than 40 yards, but I can’t wait till I can actually for a mile and then miles! I’m doing this today not tomorrow!

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Walking the New Year In

We’ll this is how I brought in the New Year Last night, I was walking. I decided there would be no better way to do it. So I planned my walk to start in 08 and end in 09. It was cold I think it was 22 when we finished, but it was a good walk. Jenny went with me and that was nice to bring in the New Year with her there. There have been so many times with my old job where I missed holidays, birthdays, anniversary’s etc. So it is always good to be able to be with the family if possible. Well this is not what this is about , so let’s get back to the bringing in the New Year walking. I have decided to start doing that, on events that I use to plan eating around I’m going to plan something active to do instead. As I keep getting reminded over and over a lot of this is mental and you’ve just got to have the discipline to do it. Like last night there we many other things I could have been doing, but that was what I needed to do so I just did it! Oh yea the picture...... it's my cell phone when the new year came in. How did you bring in your new year?

1 Jan 09

Wow I sit here today not starting a new years resolution to lose weight, but one moth into my journey and it’s with a smile on my face that I can say I weighed this morning and I weighed 272, that is 21 pounds since I started on 1 Dec 08. I actually started mentally the night of the 30th of November but the 1st was the day I started trying to eat better and started walking.
I have a lot to talk about today, so this may get long, sorry! Yesterday was a unique day…. I did good eating till supper and I honestly was trying to do good, but I made a huge mistake. We’ll get to that later on. I was eating a grapefruit for breakfast yesterday morning at my desk and my boss came in and he said your taking this weight loss thing serious aren’t you by eating that thing for breakfast, he said that’s making my lips pucker watching you eat it. I told him yea I had much rather be having a sausage biscuit for breakfast. For lunch I ate a baked chicken breast with green beans and corn, with no bread. I’ll be honest though that that meat loaf, fried okra and mac and cheese and roll sure did look good on the food line, but I ate the good for me stuff. Yesterday afternoon me and a guy I work with, road around to take some pictures for a grant we are working on and we stopped in at a store to get a drink. I got a diet green tea and was looking for something to eat so I was checking the calories on all the labels he said what in the world are you doing I said checking calories he said why and walked away. We got in the car and I had chosen a pack of wheat crackers with peanut butter that had 180 calories and he had a Pepsi and Reese’s pieces. We were driving down the road and he asked me if I wanted some and I said no thanks, then he started to smell of them, I said you’re sorry and we had a good laugh about it. For supper here’s the mess up. Jenny and I planned to go out to eat for new years and she wanted to go to the Olive Garden so we did. I looked on the menu for something healthy and they have a few items identified with leaf that are low fat. So I chose one of them when I got home I checked on the computer and I had ate almost a 1000 calories, to much. I learned a valuable lesson I’ve got to do my homework before I go and not mess up like that again. I did get my 2 mile walk in, but I’m going to talk about that in another post titled my New Years. Well I have One month down and the rest of my life to go…I’m doing this today not tomorrow!

Disclaimer – That is not me eating the Reese’s Pieces it’s my Buddy.