Tuesday, January 27, 2009


It’s been a couple of days since I’ve written, but I can’t blame it on busyness because Me and Jenny have been really lazy on this vacation, but that is what we wanted. However I haven’t been lazy on my weight loss Journey. It has been hard, but I have eaten good and passed on some very tempting items (I hope to put up a page later on just about the vacation with several pics). I’ve done real well on my walking also I planned it around our laziness and gotten it in everyday. My hip has been bothering me more lately, it doesn’t hurt while I’m walking just after it tightens up and is stiff for awhile. I don’t really consider it a major issue though right now. Yesterday I walked around Gatlinburg, and then this morning I did the walk through the edge of the park along a mountain stream and it was raining, but it was a nice walk. Well I’m going to go for now and get back to enjoying my vacation……today not tomorrow!

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